Sunday, November 05, 2006

Thoughts on the Ryun rally...

I was tuned into Fox News as I expected them to have a Fox News Alert that would show President Bush giving the same speech in Topeka at the Kansas Expocentre that he's been giving for weeks. I didn't see anything come on so I switched over to C-SPAN and they were carrying it live.
You could clearly see Jim Ryun and his wife over George's right shoulder and Jim Barnett over his left with Rep. Todd Tiahrt right behind him. Also a couple rows back was State Treasurer Lynn Jenkins. Who I didn't see anywhere was Attorney General Phill Kline. I thought this was very interesting. I'm pretty sure he was there as his website said he was going to be.
I don't know if Ryun spoke during the rally as Bush was well into his speech when I tuned into C-SPAN.
So anyway, just some musings and observations of the Ryun rally. The only thing I can see that anyone would have gotten out of the rally was the privilege of seeing the President of the United States as the Boyda rally had a much more positive message.

UPDATE - Lawrence Journal World blogged throughout the event and I see that Kline gave his speech an hour or so before Bush took the stage but from what I can tell, he was a no show during Bush's time up there.

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