Thursday, October 12, 2006

Cheney visits Kansas

Vice President Cheney was in Topeka today to help raise a couple hundred thousand dollars today for Jim Ryun's re-election campaign. Almost $209,000 was added to Ryun's coffers. Almost 300 people were there paying $100 to get in and $1000 to have their picture taken with the VP. So doing a little math, almost 300 people at $100 each is $30,000 leaving $179,000 in pictures and I'm guessing other donations. I doubt Dick could smile 179 times or stick around long enough to wait for everyone to have their turn. So if you divided $179,000 by almost 300, that would mean each person would have donated almost $600. Some probably gave a lot less and some gave a heck of a lot more but it just shows what Nancy Boyda is campaigning for and that's getting money out of politics. Nothing will change until we change Congress.

1 comment:

R.A. said...

Money will be removed from politics when the earth is removed from the solar system. Look at things post McCain-Feingold - it just found new channels to run in, chiefly 527s which Soros & the Democrats have used more effectively than the Republicans (to their credit).