Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Morrison pulls past Kline in new poll
I guess I should have more faith in Paul Morrison or rather I shouldn't assume as much as I do about the way things are in this state. A new Survey USA poll shows Morrison over Kline, 56% to 43%. Survey USA had Kline with a slight advantage last month. Quoted in the Wichita Eagle story, Sherienne Jones, a Kline campaign spokeswoman said the only poll that counts is Nov. 7. While I very much agree with her on that, this is very good news with 3 weeks left before the election.
KS-02 is in play
Chuck Todd of the of The National Journal's Hotline has added the Kansas 2nd District race to the list of races that are "in play" noting that Boyda has 41% to Ryun's 45%. And this is an independent poll coming up with these numbers and not an internal one that the Ryun campaign is dismissing. So keep fighting and keep getting the word out and we'll turn this district blue.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Funny story about Anne and Jim Ryun
This story demonstrates rather well what the Ryuns are all about, clueless and religious fanatics. And no, the two do not go hand in hand except for these two. Sorry if I sound judgemental but Mrs. Ryun sure did her part.
Cheney visits Kansas
Vice President Cheney was in Topeka today to help raise a couple hundred thousand dollars today for Jim Ryun's re-election campaign. Almost $209,000 was added to Ryun's coffers. Almost 300 people were there paying $100 to get in and $1000 to have their picture taken with the VP. So doing a little math, almost 300 people at $100 each is $30,000 leaving $179,000 in pictures and I'm guessing other donations. I doubt Dick could smile 179 times or stick around long enough to wait for everyone to have their turn. So if you divided $179,000 by almost 300, that would mean each person would have donated almost $600. Some probably gave a lot less and some gave a heck of a lot more but it just shows what Nancy Boyda is campaigning for and that's getting money out of politics. Nothing will change until we change Congress.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
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