Tuesday, February 06, 2007

2nd District Meeting Recap

It was a pretty good turnout for a cold Saturday morning. Nancy Boyda was unable to attend but her husband, Steve made it. We organized by caucus: North, South and Shawnee and chose delegates and alternates for each county who will attend and be part of the state committee meeting at Washington Days in Topeka early next month. Kansas Senator Anthony Hensley also spoke about the importance of increasing our numbers in the legislature in 2008 and said how big a part Pottawatomie County plays.
Attorney General Paul Morrison was also a speaker. He talked about the new job and his immediate goals as well as those for the coming months and years.
I noticed that former President Bill Clinton will be the special guest at Washington Days this year. I had a feeling that was the case since he was giving the Landon Lecture at K-State that same day. Should be a big weekend in just a few short weeks.